ERTOBA Foundation of the Development of the International Relations
Education needs inspiration, not just information. Only inspired human beings can transform their own lives and lives around them.
“Youth Workers for Gender Equality and Young Women ‘s Empowerment”
KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. The project is granted the European Commission (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Erasmus+ Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers), KA2 – CAPACITY BUILDING IN THE FIELD OF YOUTH
Within this project the partner organizations implemented activities which encouraging cooperation and develops youth work, youth entrepreneurship, offering entrepreneurship education for disadvantaged young people and develop networking.
The project has several steps:
1)Transnational meeting, 20-23 Noevmber in Turkey This transnational meeting will be for the purpose of planning and implementation the project: discuss in detail about the project, about local Courses and International Training course;
2)International Trainining,3-11 December in Germany which develops the youth workers knowledge and discuss the role of youth workers to contribute to promote the value of gender equality;
3) Run local activities in January/ February in partner countries . Run local activities in order to promote Gender Equality, young women empowerment, inspire and guide disadvantaged part of young women; Increase female labor market participation and equal economic independence;
4)The transnational partners meeting 13-16 February in Netherlands. The team will discuss what they did on local level and will be planned the second TC.
5) International training course, 12-20 March, 2020 Valkenburg, Netherlands. The second International training course develops entrepreneurial competences of youth workers in order to encourage and prepare young people and especially young women to engage in еntrеprеnеur activities and еntrеprеnеur learning;
Develop even more the guide for youth workers- “9 steps in working for gender equality and young women empowerment" which promotes quality youth work to this direction;
6) Run local activities
Run local activities in order to promote Gender Equality, young women empowerment, inspire and guide disadvantaged part of young women; Increase female labor market participation and equal economic independence;
7) International Seminar for Youth workers, ( beause of COVID-19 we have post poned our seminar) meantine we are running online activities) Kobuleti, Georgia . International Seminar which gives to young entrepreneurs new skills but also space to promote own initiatives which they already done or which they will do;
8) Evaluation &follow up meeting (the dates will be decided later) , Yerevan, Armenia . Evaluate the project and make follow up actions
Some photos from the project activities, dissemination , local activities and team meetings