Good Precticies

“Inspire, Educate, and Incubate Tomorrow’s Leading Entrepreneurs”

KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices -Capacity Building in the field of Youth

The partner organizations are: Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center (Serund PYC), International Association for Peace and Democracy Development (IAPDD), Stichting International Youth Bridges.

The applicant organization: Foundation of the Development of the International Relations ERTOBA

Within this project the partner organizations would like to implement activities which encouraging cooperation and develops youth work, youth entrepreneurship,  offering entrepreneurship education for disadvantaged young people and develop networking.

The project has several steps:

1)Transnational meeting ,  20-23 February, 2018,  Bad Laer, Germany.

This transnational meeting was for the purpose of planning and implementation the project: discuss in detail about the project, about local Courses and International Training course;

2)International Training course, 18-26 March,2108, Valkenburg, Netherlands

  It developed entrepreneurial competences of youth workers in order to apply learning outcomes in their professional work in their organizations and countries, organize and  run workshops, mentoring, and networking after this course;

3)To create online toolkit as a guide book/To create  " Network of Young Entrepreneurs"     , April, 2018.

4)Local course   , April-October, 2018 , Georgia, Armenia,  Netherlands, Germany

It was directed to the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems using entrepreneurial skills, to develop the participant’s strong capacity of problem solving and creative thinking in order to enhance their employability through their own self-development, encouraged them for creation own social or business projects, designing and implementation of small entrepreneur ideas, to get experience for realization them; find out about Erasmus+.

5)International Seminar, September, 16-21 September, 2018 Georgia which gave to young entrepreneurs new skills but also space to promote own initiatives which they already done or which they will do;

6)Evaluation &follow up meeting, 12-15 October, 2018 Armenia

Detail evaluation of the whole project and to make a plan for future activities;

We already did transnational meeting in Germany and also international training course in Netherlands.   The guide book/Toolkit is already   published.

7) Online mentoring, November 2018-February 2019

8) Disseminations (November 2017- March 2019) 

9) Follow up (October 2018- 12 February 2019) were created concrete projects which were applied for 2019 Deadline.


A tool of non-formal learning methods which can be used by youth workers, trainers, facilitators as a guide book.

It will stimulate young people’s spirit of creativity and entrepreneurship, employability, in particular through youth initiatives. It will encourage them for creation of their own social or business projects; designing and implementation of small entrepreneur ideas, learn fund raising, and micro –credits, find out about Erasmus+.

It includes theory -practical exercises, resources of the topic- advises-how to organize new approaches/ methodologies.