ERTOBA Foundation of the Development of the International Relations
ERTOBA organizes projects in non-formal, formal and informal learning, using new approaches to identify and validate these ‘invisible’ learning experiences, aspect of lifelong learning policy.
Aims: to support peace initiatives, to protect Human Rights, to offer educational programmes to youth workers, youth leaders, trainers, teachers, social workers, non-governmental and governmental, as well as profits guided structures.
What we are doing?
• Participate and arrange youth exchanges;
• Participate and arrange training courses, seminars and contact meetings with other countries;
• Our function is an informative, advisory and intermediary one;
• Provide the trainings on Human rights, Democracy, Citizenship, Media and digial sills, Employment, entreprourship, leadership, envioronment protection, healthy life style;
• Enhancing knowledge on climate action and promoting world-leading skills to create sustainable societies, lifestyles and economies.
• Promotes the Mobility of Youth with Fewer opportunities;
• Promotes inclusions of people with fewer opportunities, of all ages and backgrounds;
• Give skills and knowledge on Personal Development;
• Empowering youth involvement in formal and non-formal education;
• Organize charity actions for socially disadvantaged part of people.
Our current projects
“Youth Workers for Gender Equality and Young Women‘s Empowerment”
The Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Youth
What I'd say if I could speak to everyone in the world at the same time...
What I'd say if I could speak to everyone in the world at the same time...
“Inspire, Educate, and Incubate Tomorrow’s Leading Entrepreneurs”